<> ATOTO A6 Standard version does not include external microphone in the package. ATOTO A6 Prima di iniziare a scaricare il firmware di sistema per l'aggiornamento, si prega di verificare se la versione attuale del firmware di sistema è aggiornata. ATOTO has released a few firmware update since ATOTO A6 is available, and the latest ATOTO AICE OS 9.4 has the most changes and now it is available for download & update … endobj ]~GV-efq��k�����S%Ͽ�����:B��HyT9owf��W*�CsoQ��0�%��:Lu��O�{����Se>�������2. ARTICLES. ATOTO A6 Standard version does not include external microphone in the package. 00 ATOTO Steering wheel control IR Remote; 3. 14 0 obj Clicca qui per maggiori informazioni su di noi. endobj stream Wir stellen euch das Autoradio hier kurz vor und werden versuchen, von dem Hersteller ein Exemplar für einen Test zu erhalten ATOTO [Neu] A6 2×Din Android Auto Navigation Stereo mit 2×Bluetooth & 2A Aufladen -Premiun A6Y2721PB 2G+32G Auto Entertainment GPS Autoradio,Internet über Wifi/BT Teilen,für 256GB SD/Mehr. 4 0 obj Der Hauptfirmensitz befindet sich in Dongguan, China. ATOTO A6 Android Car Navigation Stereo w/Dual Bluetooth & Quick Charge – Premium A6Y2721PB 2G/32G Universal Auto Entertainment Multimedia Radio,WiFi/BT Tethering Internet,Support 256G SD & More $ 269.00 $ 229.00 endobj <> endobj XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. endobj /'��%���/~� S"a:��͘"�����z��`��W���H2 �F��Ƞ�@P�} �(�`nd��É]��q��%���s�%�ծd��:4>�/2�7����C�sW{��Oc���|�r��AkǻS���j��EX��u�A��+�y�j�c^ 5 0 obj Eccomi di nuovo, avrei bisogno di un aiuto per capire come aggiornare la mia atoto a6 attraverso la micro sd. One of the most powerful features of this system is the inclusion of two Bluetooth chips. Optional parts for working with ATOTO A6 are provided separately: 1.AC-44P2 1080P On-dash DVR Camera (USB connection, recorded by AC-44P2 itself); 2. 3 0 obj One of them controls calling and messaging while the other chip is aimed at handling music related commands. Il navigatore android ATOTO A6 Universal 2 è un elemento davvero di ultima generazione. endobj �F�SrG��^��֔�hCyeKrMG*�+�DK��c&�6��Ê�D4�P.q����0}�ϰ=���_��+X*���BH�(�g��e�m+�E�(��$��6/IC��L��"��4*+�`�` �#�� Erhalten Sie weitere Firmware-Updates, um sicherzustellen, dass weniger Fehler oder neue Funktionen hinzugefügt werden. endobj ATOTO Online Customer Support System is an online community to help reply users' request,publish news, and allows ATOTO users to help with each other. ������(J��t�U�#>.p����AK���wEn���4��� v�e1)��]��T� endobj 8 0 obj <> Eigentlich ist das eingebaute Mikrofon gut genug für Bluetooth im täglichen Gebrauch. ����1����$|D+?���tG��&����9nw�C��l���R�J�G��n��Y�c(Ge�6i����� 10 0 obj This is ATOTO official store on Amazon. Questa recensione trattasi principalmente di un aggiornamento rispetto alla versione precedente Premium provata qualche mese fa, quindi se volete leggere approfondimenti maggiori rispetto ogni aspetto dell’autoradio vi invito ad andare alla recensione di : Atoto A6: l’entertainment da 7″ con Android per la vostra auto [Recensione] ݁t!�����vٺ ��B�$1��ũ}��Tʯ��.�����O�g��fഢ"�ʻK�ia鰖)� o��t����8~�eߡ���?�@��µ��L�6�� ���+�\4x�������h���j��s��H� �D��@8Y��}>�N���d ATOTO hat die Systemfirmware der ATOTO A6-Serie alle paar Wochen oder Monate kontinuierlich verbessert. Telecomando IR di controllo del volante ATOTO AC-44F5; 3. Puoi controllare la versione del firmware tramite le impostazioni e allo stesso modo puoi verificare che sia l’ultima messa a disposizione dai produttori. A6Y2721PRB ( 2G + 32G ) ATOTO A6 Android Car Navigation Stereo w / 2x Bluetooth & Phone Fast Charge - PRO A6Y2721PRB-G 2GB / 32GB 2DIN In dash Entertain. endobj Optionale Teile für die Arbeit mit ATOTO A6 sind separat erhältlich: 1. <>>> Atoto garantiert eine hohe Produktqualität nach… �{��|�\ �X�>�6�g���kkPx��L�Ox/��2�,�D���G�����%�5����U�+rH��`4P,�paT�O� �AAё�o��� M}%�92�yX�.��#M���9�v'��NV�xt�����31JIJQ�K?9��o;=�v%���ë�z��FFd �����QN�/8�J�^IБ��T++��"���P��$_],EJv�Cc�5b�� nF�?7���g��%-� �;]��/���-(Gv��F�b��>�,1�;�z�I�6�Ԧ�X���njH�2�1"�"���z����i�j��%m�L�*��|E{"|pаڄ�)5���쓬! Manage, edit and share your data online with ADrive. 8 0 obj gli aggiornamenti dell’Atoto A6 avvengono automaticamente grazie al sistema operativo Android integrato, quindi dovresti riuscire ad avere sempre il firmware aggiornato. ATOTO A6 Pro models apply latest Qualcomm Bluetooth 5.0 w/ aptX Feature - it could help decode the high quality audio delivered from phones that Bluetooth of which are also supporting aptX coding/decoding technology, and play the music at Wired Quality Sound level, yet wirelessly. ATOTO A6 Pro has an integrated WiFi system to let you access online maps and a number of apps with ease. Questo sito si sostiene grazie ai lettori. stream ��s�1_R�~5�[��H՚��BQ}&������ �7 5�B���Lj�K %���� <> 15 0 obj Dopo ultimo aggiornamento e migliorato ancora di più. <> endobj x��X]O�F}�����ފl��v���WTEm�W}�M�nb�N���3k'���8�q�����ِ����t|�����_'�#��b�pG�����rq?��91������� �qEl"�J��r8��#>�ߢsj�� E molto semplice da montare. endobj ATOTO A6 Pro A6Y2721PR / A6Y2721PR-G applica il massimo schermo da 1000cd / m2, che aiuta anche a migliorare l’esperienza visiva in condizioni di luce intensa; Aggiornamento costante del firmware da ATOTO. <>>> endobj stream endobj 12 0 obj ATOTO AC-44F5 Steering wheel control IR Remote; 3. 6 0 obj Ha un vivavoce Bluetooth, dal volante è possibile avere i controlli chiave, ha un sistema di accesso in due secondi ed è anche ottimo da un punto di vista della qualità … 3 0 obj x�����$�}��g������� � @FĐ�8Hb"`g ��BR�,ڌ�EK|~:u�G��)�h*")��I�ӑgQ��P|���{ڝݙ�ݝ��;q��������{����Ba0S]]]ݻ���T��� @�z����~f,��Y������g�Oٿ��3��yy�⩷�'~��ZQ� �Xk��w��s�h,/k��s������Y˵�^w��c�z}��� �x�rY&9 L���^���|��W�#�Fc�#/��L��x��Y����Ml ����=�H������ �Z&����s��o�? si accendono solo i led dei tasti fisici. ���Ɔo��|#�� ATOTO AC-44P2 1080P On-Dash-DVR-Kamera (USB-Verbindung, aufgezeichnet von AC-44P2); 2. x���Ϫ+Ǚ �U!��G�#�#xu�6��0d&���dc2��WNV�^ĉ��!���L�1.&`�d��4rw�W_U��>��~4B���������������,��b�X:�?��-��b�Xz� �}��������}1������Ə3�ӧo���/���?ټ]I/��ɲ�o~��[� �O?��~�'������ӿ���k���]^}�{o���/^l���#>u�5� ��w~�a-~!>��w��y ��{��DK�^z��e�����_� p���?��X���kB��r�(��.^�q �@��2 �]y�x�b}�p�q�;����~{�r����/�)��7�w���&!Ĵ�� ś8���O�. Actually,builtin microphone is good enough for Bluetooth hands-free in daily use. 10 0 obj View More. I've been looking at head units to get into android auto and I stumbled upon the atoto A6. ATOTO F7 PE in-Dash Video Receiver - CarPlay & Android Auto Receiver with Bluetooth, Phone Mirroring (Auto … ARTICLES. ATOTO A6 PRO A6Y2721PRB-G 2DIN Android Car in-Dash Navigation Stereo System. ��ߙw�5�7�?6O�B�.G $�,b� ATOTO hat die Systemfirmware der ATOTO A6-Serie alle paar Wochen oder Monate kontinuierlich verbessert. 1.1 Download the ATOTO A6 System Firmware from Adrive.com: 1.2 Download the ATOTO A6 System Firmware from Dropbox.com: 2. Actually,builtin microphone is good enough for Bluetooth hands-free in daily use. Optional parts for working with ATOTO A6 are provided separately: 1. 16 0 obj Sale price $169 00 $169.00 Regular price $178 00 $178.00 Save $9 ATOTO Accessories More accessary › ATOTO AC-HD02 (AC-HD02N) 720P Rearview Backup Camera, … l'ho scollegata e reinstallata, ho eseguito un reset ma nulla di fatto. ��k_ڱ#R�أ �x-T�Nش~ Z�WA����q2�hTV���p0�w���S�J)�2�o]|�A��&��p��V*N�)H��^�D�;���b�O ;[�������F�C)�:$�1��T`�����Vd[éju <> -�h��7��,/�Q/�f�x�r�,ᱛ/4x� �-��鞃[�} >{�P�)����߷+@W�G��]��f*�uFw�?rx-fг�-�F!�)r?�\]����渊9���r� endobj It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality. endobj 9 0 obj F7G210PE. ATOTO AC-4450 Bluetooth OBD2 … Remember not to extract or uncompress this file, even though it seems like a compressed file. 5 0 obj ATOTO A6 – Recensione. Atoto, vollständig bezeichnet als Aotule Car Electronics, wurde 2008 gegründet und spezialisiert sich seitdem auf das Herstellen und Veräußern von Auto-Entertainment und Zubehör. Wenn Ihre Version gleich oder auch später als die auf unserer Website veröffentlichte Systemversion ist, führen Sie das Update nicht aus, da es keine Änderungen an Ihrem System vornehmen wird. endobj 11 0 obj Più di 300 app da Google Play Store sono state testate installabili su ATOTO A6 Series.G; endobj ieri scompare completamente il monitor. ::������jL#����i,�c�Z}��xs���n�L��\ί� �?������W��M�)O�#f-�X~tt*+�d���; ߙѹ7���-N <> 1 0 obj Le parti opzionali per lavorare con ATOTO A6 sono fornite separatamente: 1. ATOTO AC-4450 Bluetooth OBDII / OBD2 Auto Diagnose Scanner / Scan-Tool für ATOTO M4 Serie Android Car Stereo - Kompatibel mit Torque App [Verbesserte] Armband Stil Wireless … 7 0 obj Erhalten Sie weitere Firmware-Updates, um sicherzustellen, dass weniger Fehler oder neue Funktionen hinzugefügt werden. Essendo abbastanza incapace se qualche After the “update.zip” file is downloaded, copy it to a MicroSD /USB Drive. 2 0 obj endobj For cars w/out steering wheel audio control, ATOTO SWC Remote Kit is highly recommended for safe operation; <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 13 0 obj endobj A6Y2721P (2G + 32G ) ATOTO A6 Android Car Navigation Stereo - 2X Bluetooth & Quick Charge - Premium … <> ATOTO A6 System Firmware Update Anleitung Bevor Sie beginnen, die System-Firmware für das Update herunterzuladen, überprüfen Sie bitte, ob Ihre aktuelle System-Firmware-Version aktuell ist. %���� Vi dico subito che per i tasti al volante (nel caso la vostra auto ne sia … endobj �Ͽ�:�1B'R������-o���W_�^E\�B��� Ы8�p}��{�����_s'�?wu[�m' |�����~�2�x�g54w|��C�����h+�/^|��'��wӟ�G ����g�XB�&R>{�vs�iL,�;�$�-���/�l�wL>��wӟ�Y]�Té��1�\M��o�Lϧ�S�0�f���������M�8N \y#c���g� !��l9�5E���,����ϖ�O�x��_��7s�~s����B�˔�ױ�����)~�3� k�_��2�(����ś �Ww�k��wdjU�-�L���LM���V x���W�[���7?,�~�'&3�H9�B? AC-44P2 1080P On-dash DVR Camera (USB connection, recorded by AC-44P2 itself); 2. endobj ATOTO … We are behind our products and all ATOTO A6 series have continued firmware update support. 6 0 obj Tutti i modelli ATOTO A6 Standard , Premium , Pro non forniscono l'opzione di uscita video per iPod , poggiatesta. ATOTO AC-44F5 Steering wheel control IR Remote; 3. <> <> pazienza , l'ho tenuta considerato che il volume lo posso regolare dal volante. ATOTO AC-WCPAA48 Wireless CarPlay &Wired Android Auto Adapter - Let Your iPhone or Android Phone Work with ATOTO A6 Android car . Newer system firmware (ATOTO AICE OS 9.6) for ATOTO A6 Series is now available (Released on Nov 7, 2019). ATOTO A6 Android Car Navigation Stereo w / 2x Bluetooth & Phone Fast Charge - PRO A6Y2721PRB-G 2GB / 32GB 2DIN In dash Entertain. Articles on Products; SUPPORT. endobj [New] ATOTO A6 Pro Android Car Navigation Stereo -2X Bluetooth w/aptX & Quick Charge - for Select Toyota/Subaru - Pro A6YTY721PR. ��z�����7�X��(�y��U���{�����p��F��72�uYdžɤ����15�e�c0AiXr��5�0bʌ�"����n��+|xi� &���6.JJ���nG��" Q�4�`���7Ԝ���1���էQ�ʻ�Z^�j�y�F�,�j����B�`��NQ;im���X�� ��pᙀJ咡��4Z��z�PP���x����|�������h^��lAMK g2�43�����}�M~�㐇�&��=���K4w���I�n��Ym��w]����>�F�p���ܩ�}�/`�R`m�(Y"����1D&�m�b_��xfdCE �:V`G͇��>(���L���J��)� �^5_˞"BF��+�[���I9�y��)��̽ETP�a���ʂ�Sf�A��#�=��`��da�q��j���X�&P�ʸy��L�\&�Ìy��n 8,��u���:��� @�e�d� [�*�nl����۲$$M[�i�T��0 <> endobj ATOTO has its own R&D and manufacturing sector. ǯM��~k�����Sl|'G�����O\�pO���_������=���b'ǒ>\5R�$�� i��9� i��8�@����I���`&u�kp/:U�U`�B�� lhҭ�i���0h����Þs�rݪ��nо�u����l29eb^�-��`�'a�@ڒ�Ԫ-ޑ6|��X��;"�,�^��U� �kr�ܲZ���h��la9'{���g�2��X>�iKI���2��ݎ[�P�����G��oO'"���z ��Qp{z��6�gZas�g���mf�v�Eљ�}�UA�0nvE��Z��S�ݍH��+ ӎ��� �"����Q�r�V�hŦ.�o�O1BE*���������%�rUБ�99�v�&��1t.�NnF��_�ɧ�"_����A�F����u��l6�e���bkg�?aO ;�A�[��۶2��v��Եm@�%!�NZ%~�Ow���?��æ�˜��ؕ;,~9j�����b��C����ksv�N�i���4E��(�t�&2T come potete osservare dall'immagine qui sopra oggi parleremo appunto dell'autoradio ATOTO A6 Pro, il top di gamma di questa azienda.Il modello esatto è A6Y2721PR-G ed è acquistabile al seguente link di Amazon:. <> 7 0 obj Se la tua è uguale o successiva alla versione di sistema rilasciata sul nostro sito Web, non eseguire l'aggiornamento poiché non apporterà alcuna modifica al sistema. <> Optional parts for working with ATOTO A6 are provided separately: 1. <> stream Bluetooth OBD2 tool; 4. I was wondering if anyone has tried multiple versions and can compare them from me. ATOTO AC-44P2 1080P USB-DVR-On-Dash-Kamera (Upgrade von AC-44P1) - Videoaufnahme am Kameraende - Betrieb und Vorschau von der ATOTO A6 / S8-Autoradioseite 4,3 von 5 Sternen 64 49,00 € Direi che una buona qualità video, anche esteticamente. ATOTO A6 Standard version does not have 2A Quick Charge feature, and no external microphone is included in the package. 1 0 obj ATOTO AC-44P2 1080P USB DVR On-Dash Camera - Sony Sensor for Image- Recording Video On Camera End - Operation & Preview from ATOTO A6/S8 Car Stereo Side 4.5 out of 5 stars 188 $45.00 $ 45 . ATOTO A6 Autoradio. Actually,builtin microphone is good enough for Bluetooth hands-free in daily use. ATOTO On-dash DVR Camera (via USB interface); 2. <> Here we share the latest news and articles about our company and products. È sviluppato con sistema Android Marshmallow ed è stabile, ottimizzato per funzionare dei veicoli nella maniera più pratica. Montanto nella mia mercedes clk w208 alla mia autoradio atoto a6 pro. ADrive provides online cloud storage and backup solutions for personal, business and enterprise-level data. 4 0 obj A6Y2721PR-G [NEW] ATOTO A6 2DIN Android Car Navigation Stereo with Dual Bluetooth & 2A Charge - PRO A6Y2721PR-G 2G+32G Car Entertainment Mu. endobj aggiornamento: acquistato l'atoto a6 pro in giugno. ATOTO A6 Pro hat alle Funktionen auf A6 Premium (fahrzeugspezifischer FM / AM Radio Tuner mit RDS, eingebautem GPS Navigationsmodul, AUX Audio / Video Eingang, Backup Kamera / Dash Kamera Eingang / TPMS / 4G Dongle / Dab + Eingang, Dual Bluetooth für Freisprech- und Datenübertragung, Steuerrad-Audiosteuerung, schnelles Booten, max. ATOTO A6 Pro has all the features available previously on A6 Premium (vehicle pecific FM/AM Radio tuner with RDS, builtin GPS Navigation module, AUX Audio/video input,Backup camera/dash camera input/TPMS/Dab+ input, Dual Bluetooth for handsfree & data transfer, steering wheel audio control,Quick Booting, max 2A quick charge), and some extra & exclusive features; NB: con l’aggiornamento all’ATOTO OS 8.6 (da fare manualmente, se non fornito gia’ di serie) viene integrata la funzione di aggiornamento via OTA, dunque i prossimi update potranno essere avviati senza l’ausilio di schede di memoria e procedure da “smanettone” (previo collegamento su rete WiFi). 11 0 obj This Bluetooth connectivity makes the system stand out from other Android car stereos. Videocamera DVR sul cruscotto AC-44P2 1080P (connessione USB, registrata dallo stesso AC-44P2); 2. All products are covered by 12-month warranty. However, it has many versions ranging from a 180$ to 320$. 2 0 obj <> <> FASTIDI RISCONTRATI (pignoleria estrema legata alla scelta di progettazione più … endstream Aggiornamento del firmware di sistema: ATOTO migliorerà continuamente il firmware del sistema S8 ogni pochi mesi una volta necessario. 3. Ultimo aggiornamento: 23.02.21. ATOTO A6 has been customized to provide up to 23 frequently-used functions (AICE OS 9.4 or up) for responding to factory steering wheel audio key press after manual programming or re-allocation. ATOTO A6 has been customized to provide up to 23 frequently-used functions (AICE OS 9.4 or up) for responding to factory steering wheel audio key press after manual programming or re-allocation. https://amzn.to/2ODOsoa codice sconto del 10%: ATOTOFV1 (valido fino al 5 Novembre 2018). endobj <> There are two new unique features added: 1). Discussion about Android Head Units. <> %PDF-1.5 9 0 obj <> <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> [ 13 0 R] <> Der Gründer Jay Yang arbeitete zuvor bereits über 10 Jahre im Bereich der Auto-Elektronik. SERVICE. Sale price $279 00 $279.00 Regular price $339 00 $339.00 Save $60 ATOTO A6 Standard A6Y2710SB 2DIN Android Car in-Dash Navigation Stereo System. ha funzionato tutto tranne il tasto fisico volume -. Quando acquisti tramite i nostri link riceviamo una piccola commissione. endstream x��W�n7}� �D���^� �Dž�ia�y(���(iQk��,����S� }�Cgȕ�j��2�&@��ȹ�9<3d�?�ׯ�?��8c��e^Nw���J�y�N��������dd��d8 �_`Y&cX�jiRv="6��~�L�®����J�5"R˯�R��P��R����c&F�_ H�4_ ��� �ݜ �ϋj�۞�W���r���m줼w���a]��iW*�-�M�&�2y6��{�Jk�Um�� ���*C%�� T��. Das ATOTO A6 Autoradio ist ein zur Zeit sehr beliebtes Doppel Din Andorid Radio auf Amazon. ATOTO A6 Standard Version hat keine 2A Quick Charge Funktion und kein externes Mikrofon ist im Lieferumfang enthalten. <> %PDF-1.5
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