fabio scritto in greco

Macroscopic characterisation of white and coloured marbles was followed by thin section petrography, X-ray diffraction and stable isotopic analysis (∂18O and ∂13C) for eight marble samples. left flank of the headland, at the base of the rocky wall-face (on top of which is the barracks). - Characterization, diagnosis, dating, provenance, and technology of architectural, archaeological, and artistic materials; The identification of the marble sources of ancient art provides fundamental information for the study of both economic and art history. The paper also reports new archaeological findings and results of estimates of stone extracted from the quarries, which allowed for a recontextualization of the significance of quarries at G€ oktepe. 1). The Cap de Garde headland and its location on the northeastern Algerian coast. In Russian w. French summary. Compared to other Roman theatres in the Western Mediterranean, the Urbino theatre stands out for the sumptuousness of its marble renovation, especially in terms of the number of marble varieties. Finally, the situation for the various localities is reported and discussed in detail. In actual fact, although it is very probable that there were several dif. The MGS values for these samples ranged from 3.06 mm (sample C3) to 6.35 mm (sample C16). Recent archaeometric research, ... Microasiatic (Turkish) marbles are also well represented: marmo africano (or marmor luculleum, quarried near the ancient town of Teos, nowadays Sığacık, in the Izmir Province), the breccia corallina (or marmor sagarium, from the Vezirhan village, in the Bilecik Province), the pavonazzetto (or marmor phrygium, from Iscehisar, in the Afyon Province), and greco scritto. Cap de Garde quarry: stepped quarry fronts showing ancient (a) marks of e, /Ni: 40 kV and 20 mA), and to isotopic analysis of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes, beds (Fig. 3A-D. In spite of the relatively small volume of data, tendencies can be identified which indicate a decisive, increased importance of the Asia Minor marble quarries after the early 2nd century A.D., whereas the import of Pentelic marble from Attica declined, at least for inscribed blocks. Fabio Greco See More 22 years without Fabrizio De Andr è ′′ This station will also pass without hurting, This thin rain will pass as the pain passes, But where is your heart But where did your heart go ′′ @[1522260859:2048:Fabio Greco] In the case of, , Contribution from Sonatrach Exploration Division, Research and Development Centre, updated and detailed mineropetrographic and C–O stable, Buntmarmore aus Rom im Antikenmuseum Berlin, Classical marble: geochemistry, technology, Sull’impiego del marmo di Cap de Garde. A campaign of interdisciplinary archaeological and geological fieldwork undertaken by the Marmora Asiatica project is based on a multi-method approach and on a representative set of samples used for the archaeometric analyses. Nato a Saronno ma cresciuto sotto il sole del Salento, riesce a intrecciare nella sua scrittura la poesia del Sud con l’incisività del Nord. Regarding the MGS, instead of the traditional simple distribution bars we propose the use of box bars indicating not only the extreme values and the median, but also a range defining seventy percent clustering of all single values. Biography. Greco scritto marble was traditionally believed to be quarried near Cap de Garde (Annaba, Algeria), ... Greco scritto marble was traditionally believed to be quarried near Cap de Garde (Annaba, Algeria) [21]. - Use of new products and methods in the sustainable conservation, cleaning, and restoration of CH; Seventy-four mass spectrometric analyses have been made on eight isotopic standards for carbon and oxygen. MCSN 1, 1976, 109-19. equally true that for some decades scholars (Pensabene 1976; Mielsch 1985; Braemer 1986; Gnoli 1988; Borghini 1989) have been in agreement that the classical ‘, (Hippo), present-day Annaba. Prof. Fabio Roscalla, Lei è autore del libro Greco, che farne? Support for the fact that the quarrying basin must have, covered a much greater area in ancient times than is now observ, number of 19th-century authors (Tissot 1889) and by the reports of local public works officials, in the first half of the 20th century (cf., Marec 1936, before quarrying restarted in modern times, there were large numbers of parallelepipid blocks, (some over 6 m long) in the vicinity of the many, column shafts, seating holes for wedges and quarry faces several tens of metres long, with, clear traces of ancient saw marks and terracing. Fabio Greco, dalla raccolta: Ragli, Aguaplano editore Fabio Greco, nato nel1977, è un biologo italiano che vive e lavora in Inghilterra. è professore di ruolo di latino e greco nei licei classici. A very large amount of our own published and unpublished data and other literature data regarding both quarries and ancient artifacts of reliable provenance has been collected and critically evaluated in order to increase the statistical significance of the databases presented. which can be reached by turning off the road a few hundred metres before the lighthouse. Exploitation of the quarries seems to have continued locally, architectural elements in the Basilica of St Augustine and other early Christian churches in, Hippo) and maybe until the Middle Ages (inscriptions in medie, ), and even when it occurs in the public domain it is found in works commissioned directly by the city or donated by a wealthy, man, never by the Emperor (e.g., the columns in the portico of the Forum at Ostia and in the crustae of the theatre in Lecce; Pensabene, Unlike other marbles which, like the subject of this paper, are assimilable to a typical ‘, lithotype if sawn in particular directions)—‘, distinctive texture and characteristic macroscopic aspect seem to make it easy to recognize, with the naked eye—been subjected to detailed archaeometric inv, an analytically based identification of discriminating features that can serve to differentiate, it from marbles that are macroscopically similar, such as the ones mentioned above, b, that have different geological–geographical origins. Like other Roman towns in central Adriatic Italy (e.g. The Online Integrated Platform of Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa-Roma. Professor Maniscalco was editor of the monographic collection Mediterraneum. In the year 2007, because of the exposure to the depleded uranium Fabio Maniscalco fell ill with an anomalous and rare shape of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas [8][9][10][11][12] Thus, the Special Issue of Sustainability, entitled “Preserving Cultural Heritage: From Minero-Petrographic and Chemical-Physical Characterization to Cultural Sustainability”, intends to facilitate the fundamental and strategic dialogue between natural and human sciences in this multidisciplinary research field. The identification of the exotic coloured stones and marbles still in situ in the Odeion is here presented together with some general information about their origin, use and diffusion in the Mediterranean provinces of the Roman Empire. I copioni teatrali che trovi nel nostro sito sono di proprietà degli autori, sono stati reperiti online o ci sono stati inviati da utenti che … 1999, Geology of Algeria, Contribution from Sonatrach Exploration Division, Research and Development Centre Each sample was, subjected to a detailed minero-petrographical study, with microscopic e. (in order to ascertain the presence of any dolomitic component; Philips PW 1840 diffractometer; (McCrea 1950; Craig 1957), using a Finnigan Mat Delta E mass spectrometer. Most towns were extensively equipped with monumental buildings, often lavishly decorated with imported marbles. This contribution addresses the characterization study of grey and greyish banded marbles from the Estremoz Anticline (EA) marble district in Portugal. Grey varieties were used mainly in architectural and epigraphic elements, funerary stelae and arae. An Authoritative International Academic Press since 1928 and Italy's Foremost Publisher of Scholarly Journals Accademia editoriale, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Giardini editori e stampatori in Pisa, Gruppo editoriale internazionale, Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali 3c), K-mica (Fig. Fabio Maniscalco has received many awards for his literary activity. She rose to fame in 2009, after competing in the second season of Italian talent show X Factor.Immediately after being eliminatad from the competition, she released her debut single, "Briciole", which peaked at number 2 on the FIMI Singles Chart. Addio a Pietro Greco, scrittore scientifico . The 35 samples of white marble were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRPD), optical microscopy (OM), and isotopic analysis (δ13C and δ18O). road from the sea to the summit of the Cap de Garde headland comprises amphibolites, ’ itself (Fig. 2), in the northeastern part of the Kabylia, a mountainous region, border with Tunisia. This was found to be statistically much more significant for provenance attributions. The standards reported on are the National Bureau of Standards limestone, water, and graphite reference samples, the Solenhofen standard used by Niee for absolute measurements, and the carbonate standards used by the Stockholm, Basel, Wellington and Chicago laboratories. LibriVox is a hope, an experiment, and a question: can the net harness a bunch of volunteers to help bring books in the public domain to life through podcasting? Scritto da Antonio Bergero, Gianluca Brullo, Fabio Fazio, Walter Fontana, Arnaldo Greco, Piero Guerrera, Veronica Oliva ed Edoardo Segantini, con la consulenza di Stefano Faure, Giacomo Freri, Giacomo Papi e Antonietta Zaccaro. Stable isotope values for marbles from Italy (Attanasio et al., 2006;Cavari et al., 2012;Franzini et al., 2010), Iberia (Lapuente et al., 2000;Morbidelli et al., 2007;Origlia et al., 2011) and North Africa, ... No less importantly, applying this type of geochemical analysis to inscriptions of known provenance and date promises to deliver vast amounts of new information on the history of individual production centers and the shifting demand for their marbles around the ancient Mediterranean economy. Minero-petrographic and geochemical characterization of "Greco Scritto" marble from Cap de garde, near Hippo Regius (Annaba, Algeria) August 2008 Archaeometry 51(3):351 - 365 Provenance determination of polychrome marbles was obtained through macroscopic examination; thin section petrography, X-ray diffraction and stable isotopic analysis (δ18O and δ13C) for white marbles. It is open to all contributions dealing with a wide framework of classical archaeometric studies as well as research concerning the CH conservation. Nonetheless, to date, detailed petrographic descriptions of a sufficiently large set of samples of the Hasançavuslar marble are still unpublished (greatly limiting the comparative studies) and a different origin (Kavala in Greece, other sites near Ephesos, or Proconnesos and other localities of the northwestern coast of Anatolia in Turkey) [24][25] cannot therefore be unequivocally ruled out, especially considering the maximum grain sizes of some central Adriatic samples (some samples have a MGS between 3.25 and 4.30 mm) (Fig. Favorable economic conditions relating to submission costs: 25% discount on official rates for all potential contributions; 50% discount on 8 articles (selected by Guest Editors) signed by recogniz. ... Marmo Greco Scritto: this is a true marble, white in colour and stippled with grey, recalling a white page with black writing, as suggested in the name given it by Roman marble workers in the Baroque period. Antonelli, F., 2006, Sulla presenza di pietre e marmi colorati di tradizione romana nell'isola di Cipro: note preliminari, Herz and R. Newman), 115–31, Archetype, London. The sets of mineropetrographic and C-O stable isotopic reference data for the main Mediterranean marbles of Classical antiquity (i.e. However, the sea on the right, traces of ancient workings and piles of debris can still be seen along the. From a geological point of vie, structural unit, related to the African–Alpine tectonic and separated from the Saharan platform, particular, it is unfortunately true that still very little is kno, of the crystalline basement, especially as regards the north of the country (Askri. Roman archaeological contexts in North Africa: number of small scales that had already become partially detached from their marble substrata, were removed and subjected, following appropriate preparation, to the same laboratory analyses, as those carried out to create the reference database. He died in Naples on 1 February 2008, for complications due to his rare shape of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. During the Late Republic and Early Empire, the area was one of the most urbanised regions in the Roman world. During Roman times, the whole of Lusitania, including its capital Augusta Emerita, was supplied with white and coloured marbles from this district. Estimates of 17000 m 3 is almost a half less than previously suggested. This paper presents the results of the characterisation, provenance determination, quantification (by count and weight) and contextualisation of the white and coloured marbles used for decorating the Roman theatre of Urbino (Marche region, Italy). from Aphrodisias, Carrara, Docimium, Naxos, Paros, Penteli, Proconnesos and Thasos) have been updated and detailed. Qualsiasi riproduzione, uso, stampa, divulgazione, vendita e/o acquisto anche parziale del contenuto del sito (immagini, testi) senza il consenso scritto di Leonardo Greco, o dei suoi aventi diritto (a titolo d'esempio i suoi familiari), è severamente proibito. Professor Maniscalco was Vice President of the Italian Committee of the Blue Shield,[9] and member of the scientific committees of the Observatory Euro-Mediterranean and the Black Sea [10] and of the "Museo della Nave Romana di Grado" (Italian Ministry for Cultural heritage". The main goals of the paper are to contribute to a better understanding of the trade and use of marble in the region of central Adriatic Italy in Roman times, and to demonstrate the socio-cultural importance of architectural décor in Roman society, especially through comparison of the Urbino case with contemporary theatres in the Western Mediterranean. In total, twenty-six marble varieties have been identified in the Urbino theatre assemblage. Lazzarini, L., Moschini, G., and Stievano, B., 1980. lian marbles through a petrographical study and the evaluation of Ca/Sr ratio. 6 (f)—and, less, te, magnetite and rutile, as shown by EDS microanalysis), quartz and, more, A typical EDS spectrum and average chemical composition (average values of 10 EDS measur. 5). As for the isotopic values, the data referring to quarry samples and to ancient artifacts is discussed separately first, then a new global reference diagram is proposed. This contribution presents the results of an archaeological and archaeometric study of the provenance and use of marble in Roman central Adriatic Italy. Gr = graphite, Pl = plagioclase, Tnt = titanite, Chl = chlorite, Cam = Ca-clinoamphibole, Dol = dolomite, MGS = maximum grain size, outcropping in the two areas described above, from a number of rock chips from ancient workings, and from a small fragment of a rough-hewn column found in the quarry area. Researchers of the archaeometry and cultural heritage community, such as scientists from Earth Sciences and from other disciplines —chemists, physicists, engineers, material scientists, archaeologists, conservators and restorers — are invited to present their contributions. The only e, ’, a marble of medium–coarse grain, with fine, grey-blackish veining and dark grey-to-bluish patches/spots distributed both re, irregularly over the white groundmass, and often having the appearance of scra, (Fig. In the course of the experiments it was necessary to investigate several methods of decomposing calcium carbonate to carbon dioxide for mass spectrometer analysis. Common accessory minerals identified in these samples were quartz (Fig. Per i tipi dell’ETS ha scritto Biaios didaskalos. I trasgressori saranno perseguiti a norma di legge. 'Pompile. Sr/Mg and Mn/Sr, and δ 18 O values, greatly improve the discrimination among G€ oktepe, Carrara and other fine-grained white marbles. Moreover, he was member of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and honorary member of: Italian Union of the European Writers and Artists (UIL); Italian Association of Archaeologists and Forum per la Laguna di Venezia. Fabio Maniscalco, Piero Alfredo Gianfrotta (editors), Mediterraneum. Fabio Roscalla (Pavia 1962), dottore di ricerca in Filologia classica, nel 2013 ha conseguito l’abilitazione scientifica nazionale alla II fascia per Lingua e Letteratura greca. Stable isotope results are expressed in δ (‰) values, relative to the international PDB standard. The more and more dynamic, unstable, and aggressive environments in which CH materials are located (e.g., air pollution and atmospheric processes, changing temperature and thermal shock, and biological and/or anthropic activities) strongly contributed to their physical decay and chemical weathering (always in function of their mineralogical, chemical, and physical features). All of the archaeometric data collected indicate that the marble blocks in the cargos are from the Greek island of Thasos, in the northern Aegean Sea. Concerning the latter, its, nature still remains ambiguous; in fact, optical features (e.g., colourless, no pleochroism) and, XRD data point to tremolite–actinolite series, but its chemical composition, examined by SEM, + EDS microanalysis (Fig. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. It is an invaluable historic, artistic, social, and economic patrimony that we are called to pass on to future generations. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. The authors are grateful to the Algerian Ministry of Culture for their support of this research. study performed on 24 samples from a number of important Roman cities in North Africa. The databank relating to the quarried material, cr, hypothesis (already put forward by author. Seminario di archeologia e storia dell'arte greca e romana dell'università di Roma, 179–90, Studi Miscellanei, 22, De Luca Editore, Rome. vendor, set himself on fire to protest the humiliating treatment he had received at the hands of the police just because he was accused of lacking any official permit to sell his fruit. Noemi (pronounced ; born Veronica Scopelliti on 25 January 1982, in Rome) is an Italian singer-songwriter. When no ancient texts reveal the source of the marble used for a given artifact, the characteristics of the material itself can help to determine its provenance. (Lo scritto insegna il comportamento, l'allegoria ció cui tu credi la morale ció che tu fai, l'anagogia ció verso cui tendi) Etimologia del termine. RBNE03TBYH_002) and of the European Sixth. 3), at the base of which there are outc, The ancient marble quarries are occasionally visible in the area between the point of the, Cape—where there is now a lighthouse and, not far away. It is proposed that the edict was issued by Caesar Augustus in response to the desecration of the grave of a famous tyrant from Kos named Nikias, a theory which more logically fits with the provenance of the marble and the events of that time. This approach has been used by many different teams from the beginning of application of stable C and O isotopes to marble provenancing (e.g. Due to the complete absence of any local marble supplies on the island, the materials were exclusively imports from a variety of regions of the eastern Mediterranean, Italy and North Africa. This paper presents the results of an archaeometric study performed on white marbles from the shipwreck of Cala Cicala (Crotone, Calabria, Italy). Nevertheless, ancient and modern buildings, artifacts, and findings are mainly made of natural and artificial materials obtained from geological resources; therefore, a proper mineralogical-petrographic and chemical-physical characterization of these CH materials again plays a pivoting role for (i) exploring several aspects of the archaeological, architectural, and fine arts contexts; (ii) understanding the interaction of artefacts with the environment; and (iii) evaluating possible damage and consequent strategies for conservation within cultural sustainability. arian marble from Lakkoi and Karavos (the island of Paros, Cyclades, Greece); Minero-petrographic and isotopic features of the ‘, , in Morocco; Cyrene, in Libya; and Carthage and Utica, in, ), #C1 (Carthage) and U2 and U2a (Utica). Verwandlungen und Verwandtes in der augusteischen Dichtung. Isotope analyses of dated and localized inscriptions will deliver vast new data for the high resolution economic history of marble production and distribution around the ancient Mediterranean. [8]. [5], Fabio Maniscalco has been the first Officer in the world to have put into effect the rules of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.[6]. (a) A partial view of the ancient quarry site with debris. Anagogia deriva dal greco "anagoghé", parola composta da "ana" (che significa "sopra", "in alto") e dal verbo "agein" ("condurre"). 3d) were rarer and less abundant. (on the right in the picture) within the marble formation; (b) a detail of the amphibolitic layer. 6 (a)), formed by generally interlocked crystals, of calcite, sometimes iso-orientated, that may be accompanied by lamellas of K-mica and, chlorite, and abundant black particles of graphite, both concentrated in irregular veins and dis-, • Calcite crystals show mainly sutured and embayed boundaries (Fig. This work was carried out thanks to the joint contribution of the Italian Ministry for Univ, and Research—Progetto Firb 2003 (prot. Moreover, he is member of the scientific committees of the academic journals “International Research Journal of Arts and Humanities” (University of Sindh, Pakistan) [7] and of "Restauro Archeologico (University of Florence). The western side of the Cap de Garde headland: (a) the presence of a dark gr. 4c). The quarried marble, all, with a medium–coarse grain (generally between 2 and 6 mm), is often characterized by a, white groundmass, more or less intensely spotted/patched and veined with grey–black–bluish, presence of dark green–black amphibolite veins, often several centimetres wide and intercalated. This small theatre was decorated with second-style wall paintings and marble opera sectilia of which today remains evidence in the floor of the semicircular orchestra. 4) and some portions of ancient quarry faces, with the characteristic marks left by the heavy Roman pick (Fig. ***Iscriviti al canale, non perdere tutte le novità e i video! Geology of Algeria, Contribution from Sonatrach Exploration Division, Research and Development Centre and Petroleum Engineering and Development Division. Fabio Maniscalco was born in Naples, Italy. quality to compete at a Mediterranean scale with the crystalline marbles of the Greek, Micro-asiatic, Iberian and Apuan areas. In particular, he has received a Prize from the Italian "Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri" for the book Sarajevo. • Diffractometric analysis revealed traces or the presence, sometimes ab, 6 of the 20 samples. [7] Mineralogical-petrographic and archaeometric analysis shows the presence of white marbles from Carrara (Italy) and Proconnesos (Asia Minor), and greco scritto from Hasançavuslar (Ephesos, Turkey). The effects of the first incidents moved across borders throughout the Middle East, with waves of revolt rapidly spreading out beyond the region. Zaffagno, E. 'Il giuramento scritto sulla mela.' (b) A small fragment of a half-sawn column shaft. The essay studies how the period has been represented in fiction from what was called the Barbary States at the State at the time, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. Fabio Maniscalco was born in Naples, Italy.He was an archaeologist who worked as a professor of "protection of cultural property" and of "underwater archaeology" at the University of Naples and at the "Istituto per lo Sviluppo, la Formazione e la Ricerca nel Mediterraneo". Stable isotopic values are -4.37 and 2.39, for ␦ 18 O for ␦ 13 C respectively (Fig. A propos d'un lieu commun de la poésie hellénistique.' Sulla presenza di pietre e marmi colorati di tradizione romana nell’isola di Cipro: note preliminari. Algeria, as a French territory, was still fully integrated into the sphere, Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. The remaining (larger) part of each sample yielded a thin section used in the petrographic investigation under a LEITZ DM RXP polarizing microscope equipped with a Canon PowerShot A640 photo camera. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive characterisation of the white marble exploited in antiquity in G€ oktepe (Mu� gla Province, Turkey) to increase the reliability for identifying this marble in ancient artefacts. Simple but precise equations for the mass spectra effects have been derived, which give the correction factors as functions of the measured differences between sample and standard. Morto oggi per un malore nella sua isola di Ischia. In 1997 Fabio Maniscalco was decorated by the President of Italy Oscar Luigi Scalfaro for his activity in the field of safeguard of cultural property. average MGS less than two mm) and to the medium-to coarse-grained (i.e. Askri, H., Belmecheri, A., Benrabah, B., Boudjema, A., Boumendjel, K., Daoudi, M., Drid, M., Ghalem, T., Docca, A. M., Stable oxygen and carbon isotope analyses are commonly used to attempt to establish the provenance of ancient marble artifacts such as statues and architectural elements. • The maximum grain size (MGS) of the grains of calcite, considered an important discriminating, 3.65 mm, standard deviation 1.06), with a statistical concentration of values between 3 and, 3.5 mm (similar to the results obtained for Proconnesian marble and the Thasian marble from, SEM + EDS examination, proved to be essentially phlogopite), colourless non-pleochroic, (or with very weak pleochroism) chlorite with lamellar, potassium mica and arranged in iso-orientated trains (Fig. The people of all Arab countries, who had fallen into the hands of despotic dictatorships in the postcolonial era, made strong demands for a better life in every sense. Even clearer evidence of ancient quarrying is visible along the right incline that slopes south-west, from the lighthouse, from an altitude of 420 m down to the sea; here, there are significant, quantities of rock chips from stone-dressing activities, some small, roughly squared blocks, a, small fragment of a half-sawn column shaft (Fig. High-resolution topographic measurements, performed for the first time with the use of a 3-D laser scanner, combined with geological field study, allowed for precise calculation of the volume of the white variety extracted in antiquity. These refer to the fine-grained (i.e. [15][16][17][18], Institute of Archaeology of Academy of Sciences of Albania, Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, Observatory for Protection of Cultural Heritage in Areas of Crisis, Mediterraneum.

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