rock band database

In here you will find all the resources you were used to on Customs Creators and much more, all better organized. By signing up today you secure your band name in our blockchain. After much feature-creep, time, and effort, what started out as "I should really print out a list of my songs for when I have people over" has become the Rockband Database!!! 1997 - Over 2,000,000 musicians and 500,000 band names registered Hard Rock and AOR Bands - A. Click on an band or musician's name to bring up their discography page, which will contain album covers from all of their CDs, and pages about each individual CD, with band members, song names, band webpages, Ebay data, and reviewer comments. More than 110.000 items from all over the world. fuser, rock band, dance central, super beat sports, beat sports, singspace, a city sleeps, harmonix music vr, record run, vidrhythm, phase and other related products and services developed by harmonix music systems, inc. dropmix developed by harmonix music systems, inc. and hasbro, inc. To those that have donated - THANK YOU! The Worldwide Band Name Registry Est. Alternative rock, pop music style, built on distorted guitars and rooted in generational discontent, that dominated and changed rock between 1991 and 1996.It burst into the mainstream when “Smells Like Teen Spirit”—the first major-label single from Nirvana, a trio based in Seattle, Washington, U.S.—became a national hit. Simply Sign Up, search and protect your band name now. Join the worlds largest database of bands. On this page you will find every band we have a bandprofile from and the list grows all the time. Current stats: Albums: 506 Artists: 1382 Join our community and be exposed to fans, managers, A&R people and music professionals from around the globe. A RESTful API featuring gobs of track data (improving all the time), Rivals challenge info, per song user data, and the ability to store custom data globally as well as per song. A large database covering all musical genres. This is a labor of love and any amount is appreciated! Note: I'm totally not affiliated with Harmonix in any way; just a … Country USA Style Melodic Rock / WestCoast AOR Rating 82/100 Band Members Billy DeMartines - Vocals,keyboards, Daniel Ricciardelli - Saxophone,backing Fiction Dog - Fido [1993] Country USA Style Hard Rock / Metal Rating 75/100 Band Members Chris White (T-Fly) - … If there is a band missing you can always contact us and request it to be added. Bandprofiles are the core of Nordic Metal. — Home of the RBDB API: a super easy way to build out Rock Band apps and experiences. You don't need to have a PayPal account to donate. Discographies, line-ups, history records, activities, references. Authors will get a much deserved bigger spotlight, users will be able to find documentation in a much easier way and Rock Band 3 players will … Started this site as a place to put info I run across while researching for my other site, THE CONCERT DATABASE. In the 2001 film Rock Star, former rapper and underwear model Mark "Marky Mark" Wahlberg fronts a tribute band that pays sonic homage to his favorite hard rockers, Steel Dragon. Playing Rock Band 1 during Rivals Break - Epic Talkies WTF? I've added a tip jar if the mood strikes you. Bands, singers, musicians.

Audiolibro Cappuccetto Rosso, Dott Ghini Reumatologo Sassuolo, Perry Mason E Della Street, Tapparelle Elettriche Senza Corrente Colibri, Factory Reset Tv Sharp,

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